We are looking for short experimental fiction that pushes the boundaries on conventions of the genre, whether through form, voice, POV, setting, or otherwise. We accept one short story (up to 4000 words) or up to 3 pieces of flash fiction (less than 1000 words apiece). If submitting 3 shorter works, please include all pieces in one file. 

Please submit in standard manuscript format (12-point font, double spaced, Times New Roman).  

Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please let us know if a piece is accepted elsewhere by manually withdrawing your submission. If a flash piece needs to be withdrawn, please notify us via the notes tool on Submittable. Submit in .docx, .doc, or .pdf format.  

Please wait thirty days after response before submitting again. 

It's a good idea to look at our most recent issue before submitting, to get a sense of the size and style of work we tend to like.  

Please wait at least 120 days to query the status of your manuscript. Questions and queries may be sent to yreditors@gmail.com. 

We welcome previously unpublished work from writers of all backgrounds and identities, particularly including people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, people with disabilities, members of religious minorities, people outside the United States, and all others whom traditional publishing has historically excluded. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.